
Experimental Kubernetes Operator kit written in Rust


This project is maintained by psFried


Both the SyncRequest and SyncResponse types store resources as serde_json::Values, but you’ll probably want to deal with more typesafe structs in your operator. Roperator provides typed accessor functions on SyncRequest that allows you to deserialize any resource (or group of resources) as a typed struct. You can read objects from the sync request as any type that implements serde::DeserializeOwned. Take a look at the SyncRequest docs for details on the typed accessor functions.

Similarly, SyncResponse has functions that allow you to set the status or add child resources from any type that immplements serde::Serialize. The SyncResponse docs have the details on these functions.

The k8s-openapi crate provides type definitions for all of the builtin Kubernetes resource types, which all implement Serialize and DeserializeOwned. You’re also free to provide your own struct definitions, and even mix the two approaches.