
Experimental Kubernetes Operator kit written in Rust


This project is maintained by psFried

Handler (Sync)

The Handler trait encapsulates the core logic of your operator. This trait defines two functions, sync and finalize. Every operator needs to implement a sync function, so that’s what we’ll focus on first. You only need to implement finalize if there is some special cleanup action that needs to be taken when a parent resource is deleted.

The sync function is defined as fn sync(request: &SyncRequest) -> Result<SyncResponse, Error>.

The SyncRequest represents a snapshot of the state of resources for a single parent in the cluster. It contains the raw JSON of the parent, as well as the raw JSON for all of the child resources related to that parent.

The sync function needs to determine two main things and return them as a SyncResponse:

Parent Status

The SyncResponse struct has a status field, and this represents the current status of the parent. Typically, this status should be determined by inspecting the state of all of the children from the SyncRequest. For example, if your operator creates Pod and Service resources, you could look at the status of the Pods and the endpoints of the Services in order to summarize the application status. You may also wish to perform some additional validation on the parent and set an error field in the status if it’s invalid.

observedGeneration Roperator will automatically add the observedGeneration field to your status, and set its value to the current metadata.generation of the parent. This makes it easy to tell whether changes to the parent spec have been observed yet.

Null status Value::Null is a perfectly valid status for a parent. Returning null instructs Roperator not to set any status at all. If your parent resource does not have the status subresource enabled (as described here), then you must only return Value::Null as the status.


The children field represents the desired state of all the child resources that corespond to the parent. Roperator will determine if there’s any differences between the actual and desired states of each child resource, and it will update them based on the ChildConfig for each type. Any existing child resources that are not included in the SyncResonse will be deleted.

Operators should only specify the fields that they care about in child resources, since these resources may have other controllers that set additional fields. Specifically, don’t just return the same JSON that came in the request, since that json will include all sorts of things that either cannot or should not be updated by your operator. It’s also worth mentioning that child resources returned in the SyncResponse must never specify a status since that should only ever be determined by the controller of the resource.

Returning Errors

When a Handler returns an Err result, roperator will not modify either the parent or any child resources. It will track the error counts on a per-parent basis, though, and expose them in the metrics if that feature is enabled. It will then re-try your sync function after a delay.

It is recommended that your handler should handle most errors itself by returning a status that includes information about the error. Whoever created the parent will then be able to check the status to see the error message.

Sync Function Best Practices and Details

Desired State: Sync functions always return a desired state. They intentionally are not modeled in terms of operations like create or update. So once your handler returns a particular child resource, you should continue to return the same resource for as long as you want that resource to exist. Most handlers should be implemented such that they simply always return the same desired children for a given parent resource state. That is, they should be more or less pure functions that map a parent state to a desired set of children. For some scenarios, you may want to just keep a child resource in whatever state was given in the sync request. In that case, your handler could only return a minimal set of metadata for the child resource in the SyncResponse (apiVersion, kind, metadata.namespace,, without any other fields). Doing so will ensure that roperator will not detect any differences between the desired and actual state of the child.

Same Namespace For namespaced parents, all child resources must be in the same namespace as the parent. It’s possible that roperator may lift this requirement in the future if there are use cases that require it, but for now the best advice is to keep it simple anyway. If you need resources that span multiple namespaces, then you should use a non-namespaced (a.k.a. Cluster Scoped) parent CRD.

Stable values: Although handlers are allowed to have side effects, it’s strongly encouraged that your SyncResponse is the same across repeated function invocations. Be extra careful with values that are not stable. For an exaple, let’s say that you set a field on some child resource to a current timestamp. Whenever your sync function is invoked, it would return a different timestamp, and thus cause Roperator to update the resource again, which could potentially trigger yet another sync call, ans so on. If you do need to use a timestamp or any other random or non-stable value, then it’s recommended that your sync function should read the existing value from the sync request, and only generate a new value if the resource or field is missing.

Avoiding Name Conflicts It’s best to ensure that your operator cannot generate multiple resources with the same name. For example, if your sync function always returns a child Pod with the name "foo", then it will cause an error when someone creates two instance of the parent resource in the same namespace, because you can’t have two resources with the same namespace and name. For namespaced parents, it’s a good idea to include the name of the parent as a prefix or suffix on the child names.

Child Resources

Roperator always represents Kubernetes resources as plain JSON objects, but that doen’t mean your operator has to. SyncRequest has functions to simplify deserialization into typed structs, and SyncResponse has functions for adding types that implement serde::Serialize. This means that you can use the definitions in the k8s_openapi crate, or define your own structs.

See the echo-server example for how to use json directly using the serde_json::json! macro. Other examples will be added soon to show how to use types that implement Serialize.

Comparison of desired and actual states

When comparing the actual and desired states of a child resource, roperator only considers the fields that were specified in the desired state (from your SyncResponse). For example, if the request has a pod with 3 containers, but your response only includes a single container, then only differences in the single container in your response will be considered when determining whether to update hte child. This is important because there may be other processes or controllers that modify your child resources. For example, you may have an admission webhook that adds an initContainer to each Pod for injection of configuration.

Handler impl

For simple handlers, there’s a blanket impl for all Fn(&SyncRequest) -> Result<SyncResponse, Error> + 'static. This allows you to write a handler just as a normal function.

fn my_handler(req: &SyncRequest) -> Result<SyncResponse, Error> {
    // from_status accepts any type that implements `serde::Serialize`
    let mut response = SyncResponse::from_status(determine_status(req))?;

    // add_child also accepts any type that implements `serde::Serialize`
    // ... and so on

You may also declare any struct and just impl Handler for your struct. This allows you to access things like Http clients, database connection pools, and other state in your handler. Note that the sync function takes a &self, so you need to internally synchronize access to any mutable state.

use roperator::prelude::{Handler, SyncRequest, SyncResponse, Error};

struct MyHandler {
    // ...

impl Handler for MyHandler {
    fn sync(&self, req: &SyncRequest) -> Result<SyncResponse, Error> {
        let mut response = SyncResponse::from_status(determine_status(req))?;
        // ...

Failable Handlers

This page describes the base Handler trait and how to use it. For operators that need to perform some custom validation or connect to external systems, you may want to check out the FailableHandler trait described here as an alternative.


Put it all together and run your operator!